Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Calico Brothers - God Left Town EP

Last month I purchased the God Left Town EP and fully intended to post a review of it within a short time frame. Well, you know how things go. Time marches on, things get in the way, and here we are on June 25th and still, I don't have a proper review to give you.

And here's why:

Calico Brothers debut release, the six song 'god left town' EP, provides a blueprint for all that they hold dear in musical form.

Blueprints aren't buildings and, as much as I like the songs on this EP, an EP isn't an album. There's just not enough meat for a full on review. Three of the songs I've heard before, so really for me this is more of a three song EP.

What I can say from what I can hear is that these guys enjoy playing and are having a good time. They have a feel good sound that truly evokes that "Idyllic California" of the some imagined past.

What I am looking for is something more. I know these guys have it.

Quite possibly, I'd see it live if I were in New Zealand. I don't know about that happening any time soon, unless anyone over there wants to hire a lawyer/glassblower/wannabe blogger in New Zealand. Then I would be able to watch Outrageous Fortune AND see the Calico Brothers live. That would be pretty sweet.

Anyway, I promise to get out a right proper review as soon as those Calico Brothers get around to releasing a right proper album.

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