Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sa Dingding - "Alive" and Amazing

It's been a while since I posted (Thank you to The Libertine for picking up the slack) and this post is about an amazing artist named Sa Dingding. She's 25 and her sound is nothing short of epic - in the sense of it sounding epic. Think "Lord of the Rings" visuals but with sound.

I am downloading her debut album - for the West - as I write this and will have a proper review in the next day or so. Maybe I am buying into the hype. I mean how many Chinese artists have I listened to? Answer: Besides Sa Dingding, Two. So we'll see. I don't want to get into the whole Tibet politics thing either. So don't bring it up unless you can somehow make it relevant to a discussion about her music.

Anyway, check out her myspace and webpage.

MySpace: Sa Dingding

Web Page


UPDATE: I found a good article at Shanghaiist about Sa Ding Ding.

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